Instructions for Extended Abstract Submission to CouFrac 2022
The detailed format requirements for CouFrac 2022 Extended Abstract can be found in this template (Word).
All Extended Abstracts will be peer-reviewed by experts in the respective subject areas through an online process.
Based on the Extended Abstracts and presentations, selected authors will be invited to submit papers to one of the CouFrac 2022 Special Issues:
- Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering: Fundamental Coupled Processes in Fractured Earth Systems
- Tunneling and Underground Space Technology: Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Nuclear Waste Disposal
- Water Resources Research: Impacts on Water Resources of Coupled Hydrological, Chemical, and Mechanical Processes in the Fractured Subsurface
- Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: Computational and Numerical Modeling in Fractured Earth Systems
- Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources: Coupled Processes for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources
Important Dates
August 17: Deadlines for Extended Abstract submission
September 7: Notification to authors on acceptance of Extended Abstracts
September 15: Deadlines for Extended Abstract revision
October 1: Deadline for Early Registration
November 1: Deadline for Regular Registration
Full delegate registration by at least one of the authors must be received by October 1, 2022 – Extended Abstracts for which no delegate payment has been received will not be included in the conference program.
Extended Abstract submission and review for CouFrac 2022 will be handled on the Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) platform sponsored by Microsoft Research.
The direct link to the CouFrac 2022 abstract submission portal is:
and the conference name is:
3rd International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Observation, Modeling, and Application
When you enter the CouFrac 2022 submission system, you will see a page titled “Author Console”. On the top bar, from right to left, you will see your registered name, a shorthand name of the conference “CouFrac2022”, and your role as an “Author”. If you have agreed to serve as a reviewer or a session organizer, you can also switch to other roles by clicking on the respective role button.
To submit an Extended Abstract, you will need to replace the Abstract that was submitted before with the new Extended Abstract by clicking on “Edit Submission”.

Upon a successful submission, you will receive an email confirmation from Microsoft CMT ([email protected]).
At this stage, the CMT system is closed for new submissions. If you need to create a new submission of Extended Abstract, please contact [email protected].