Xuhai Tang, Wuhan University, xuhaitang@whu.edu.cn
Haiyan Zhu, Chengdu University of Technology, zhuhaiyan040129@163.com
Simulating deep reservoirs effectively and safely should carefully consider the influence of geologic discontinuities at difficult scales, including pores, fractures, layers and cavities. In fractured-vuggy reservoirs, natural joints and cavities dominant the propagation of hydraulic fractures, therefore it is critical to understand the interaction between hydraulic fractures and pre-exist discontinuities. Especially, it is still changeable to consider thousands of fractures at field scale. In multi-layered reservoirs, the geomechanical response of layered rocks is of pivotal importance for the vertical growth of hydraulic fractures. Additionally, detecting the geometry and material parameters of deep-buried discontinuities underground is still difficult. To minimize the uncertainty of geoexploration, more monitoring data (e.g. fracturing cures) can be used to determine the properties of deep-buried discontinuities. In this session, we welcome contributions that advance the understanding of fracturing in the deep reservoirs with complex geologic discontinuities, and present novel methodologies to determine the properties of deep-buried discontinuities based on monitoring data.