Takuya Ishibashi1, Yusuke Mukuhira2, and Sho Ogata3
1AIST, 2Tohoku University, and 3Osaka University
The understanding of THM processes is essential for the engineering use of fractured systems, such as EGS, CCS, oil/gas extraction, and so on. On the other hand, the direct measurement methods of underground condition (e.g., fracture network, stress state, fluid pressure, porosity, saturation, and so on) within the fractured systems are very limited, and the key question is how we can indirectly estimate these in-situ underground conditions in real time or quasi real time. Geophysical parameters obtained via the seismic monitoring, seismic exploration, or electromagnetic exploration have the great potential to answer this question, thus the fundamental studies linking geophysical data to THM processes are desirable. In this session, we would like to discuss latest advances in this topic including form laboratory study to the field scale experiment.